
Rain Barrel Plumbing

A project log for Solar Power Backyard Irrigation System

Practical Experimentation with Solar Power by watering flowers.

pete-hoffswellPete Hoffswell 03/16/2016 at 22:510 Comments

I hooked up the gutter downspout to an Oatey rain diverter, and off to my rain barrel -

This is pretty standard stuff. I'm not going to go into the details of how you make a rain barrel, but suffice to say, my setup is pretty standard, except for a pump on the faucet

We got some rain last night, and it proved the barrel to work great - we collected a 25 gallons!

The tub on the left is the storage for the solar battery and charge controller

Next up is hooking up a hose and doing some testing. Do I have enough pressure to run irrigation? Sprinkler?
