
IP67 dust and waterproof 4-pin connectors < 1$

Completely watertight connectors for your projects! Cheap and easy to make!

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A DIY way to make a IP67 proof connector with 2, 3 or 4 pins.


Waterproof and durable connectors are expensive. Like really expensive. They cost you at least a few EUR per piece, regardless what brand you choose. I'd like to present you a way to make one in a few minutes. For under 0,5€. Yep, thats 50 cents.


  • IP67 proof: totally dust tight, watertight up to a depth of 1m
  • cheap: less than a euro
  • they use widely available materials


  • not yet reverse polarity protected (working on a cheap and easy solution)


See detailled instructions below

  • 1 × M12 cable screw connection these are aout 15EUR/100pcs.
  • 1 × 2x2 header strip
  • 1 × 2x2 socket strip (or DIY from single socket strips)
  • 1 × glue (hot glue, epoxy, ...)
  • 1 × Cable (best is a flexible ROUND type)

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Unscrew your cable connection

    These have a flexible seal which tightens extremely well against anything with a diameter of 3 to 6,5mm:

  • 2
    Step 2

    Solder wires to your 2x2 socket strip and pin header (not shown here). Put heat shrink tubing with inner glue (about 3cm long) over your pin header/cable and shrink it

  • 3
    Step 3

    Insert cable/socket strips into the screw connector. Shove it into it so your soldered pins are not visible anymore. Back:

    Front view:

View all 6 instructions

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