The goal of the project was to develop and construct a nonlinear mechatronics cube which is able to jump up from the surface to one of its edges and balance. The modelling of the system was done using MATLAB/Simulink combined with data from the cad drawing in CATIA V.5 and the system were also visualized by Simmechanics. Alternative control- and sensor fusion method were evaluated. The cube is controlled with both a PID and a Look-Up tabled LQR controller with added integrated states. The project also involved design of the electrical components, programming as well as development of the mechanical brake system.
The cube was able to balance on any surface and could resist pushes up to 2 degrees. It also managed to successfully jump up and balance 4 out of 25 times.
Developer: Erik Bjerke, Björn Pehrsson
The cube was developed as a master thesis at Chalmers and was supported by the company Combine AB.