
Testing a wick method for self-watering pots (from soda bottles)

A project log for Urban gardening on the cheap

Using recycled materials to grow food effectively, and at very low cost.

johnowhitakerjohnowhitaker 03/25/2016 at 09:091 Comment

I'm going away for 5 days, which means I can't water the seedlings I've had on my windowsill any more. I could ask a friend, but that's not how we nerds do things :)

I'm testing a system that already works for one of my pot plants - the plant is in the top of a bottle, suspended upside down in the base of the bottle. The outer layer is filled with water, which is drawn up by the plant as needed. The idea is to fill up the water once a week as opposed to watering daily.

This is all rushed (I leave in a few hours), but here are the pics of my set-up. I left some plants in the planters as controls. Sadly, I doubt they'll make it - but their sacrifice is for science! Hopefully I don't come back to a whole bunch of dead plants...

I'll put more info when I get back. Anyone who feels like trying this, all you need is a bottle, a box cutter and a plant! Cut holes near the lid of the bottle, chop it in half, partly fill the bottom half with water and the top half with plant and soil, insert one into the other and add water when you feel like it.


johnowhitaker wrote 03/25/2016 at 09:41 point

So, I'm not leaving till tomorrow now, which means I can watch how far the water level drops over the next 15 hours. Should then be able to estimate how long they'll last based on that.

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