This is a wacky idea on which I have been working for some time, yet it is still in very early stage of development. The final goal is to make it as a reliable FPGA soft-core model, or even better - a small chip.
CPU7 is strange in many aspects.
First, it is a RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) system, and its native assembly language is somewhat similar to the Forth language with many high-level looking words such as IF, WHILE, LEN$, etc. It is natively 14-bit, but scales automatically up to 56-bit when needed.
Another interesting feature is the possibility to dynamically create or destroy virtual cores, each running independently as a system on its own. CPU7 creates them when needed, and then they disappear completely. This is equally valid in the cases where CPU7 runs a single hardware core, or many hardware cores. The scheduling is internal and completely transparent to the user.
The entire model is simple enough to be coded into a small FPGA.
Early alpha version of CPU7 emulation code written in C (probably buggy)
Although natively working with 16-bit words (14-bit pairs of instructions or data), CPU7 is also supposed to handle "raw" unformatted data in 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit format. As an example that could be a hardware register, video memory, or anything which is not part of CPU7.
As a small coding exercise to test the flavour of the CPU7 assembler, here is the well known "bubble sort" of an area of unformatted bytes.
'! usage: addr len bubblesort8
dup 1 > if `! check if the arrayis more than one element
1 over + `! calculate end=addr+len; stack: beg, end1 swap dup `! stack: end, beg, addr
dup rd8 `! stack: end, beg, addr, [addr]
1 over ++ rd8 `! stack: end, beg, addr, [addr], [addr+1]
< if `! stack: end, beg, addr
++ `! addr=addr+1else
dup rd8 `! stack: end, beg, addr, [addr]
1 over ++ rd8 `! stack: end, beg, addr, [addr], [addr+1]
2 over wr8 `! stack: end, beg, addr, [addr]
1 over ++ wr8 `! stack: end, beg, addr
drop dup `! addr=beg; stack: end, beg, addr
dup 3 over < until
leave `! clean up the data stack
drop drop `! remove the input parameters from the data stack
Thank you very much for this interesting project. I've implemented most instructions of cpu7 in Verilog . It was fun!
Nice project. The choice on the 7 bit is interesting. I have created a homebrew CPU also using 7 bits of data, although mine is more minimalist and designed to support functional programming.
Thank you very much for this interesting project. I've implemented most instructions of cpu7 in Verilog . It was fun!