Pedaless is an accessory for almost every bicycle that aesthetically has a good position but it's role is to help the bicycle to move easily uphill. In relation with the aesthetical part I would like to mention that Pedaless is set right under the seat and the motor lays above the back wheel. About the role that Pedaless has I can easily say that it's a feeling like somebody is pushing you while driving, you don't even have to move your pedals. Maximum speed I have achieved is about 40km/h and the distance with only one charge of the battery that is 24V with 7Ah was about 10km. It was enought for me to get to work and charge the battery there and then come back home.
(picture present first test drives)
The Front part I call Dashboard, which is the part that the motor is controlled with and the Back part I call it Motor.
The communication with the Motor happens with multiple devices. Those devices can be the Dashboard or your mobile phone. It is irrelevant whether you'll be using android or iPhone.
In next video is presented speed and power of motor, speed in flat ground was around 40km/h.
Dashboard is the device that calculates the speed with the help of the GPS. It also calculates the distance that you've passed with one charge. Other main elements are the three buttons that represent actions like menu, up and down, as well as OLED display, analog optional socket and wireless module. With clicking the 'Menu' button you can change screens. It has multiple screens. First screen is the main. On the main screen you can see the speed, odometer, communication, battery and throttle power. Second screen is where some parameters can be set. On the last and third screen you can see statistics about how many kilometers you have passed and how much time was spent driving, how many times the motor was driven etc.
In next video is presented how works motor.
Communication with the motor is wireless and it's duplex communication. The dashboard sends data, how much power the motor will use. If the analog throttle isn't connected then the power is controller with the UP / DOWN buttons, otherwise it will be controlled with the analog throttle.
(picture present all that in very very first version)
The Motor is the device that is positioned in the back part of the bicycle, right underneath the seat. The parts that the motor is made of are holder for the motor, that also holds the ESC controller and the electronics. Main part from the electronics are wireless module, bluetooth, accelerometer and temperature sensor. Wireless module provides communication with the Dashboard device. Bluetooth module provides communication with the mobile phone instead of the dashboard device and it gives the opportunity to program the motor remotely via iPhone / Android, not need to have PC near you. Accelerometer is one of the safety modules. His role is to block the motor from running if the bicycle is tilted on the side and to stop it from moving the bike. The other safety module is the heat sensor that prevents it from overheating. When certain temperature is reached it turns the motor off.
Pedaless will contribute to having easy, safe and faster ride, whether you are going to work, school or other destinations.
Pedaless will help you keep moving if you get a little tired of turning the pedals or going uphill. Anytime you want or need it you can use it just by pressing throttle. Simple enought to use.
Cool project!
I like how the motor retracts when not powered. Is there a spring that swings the motor away from the tire?
More specs on the key parts would be good. Motor: what diameter, volts, amps? ESC: amps? How about links to online store (ie. HobbyKing) to buy these parts?