Build around an ATmega328 and a built in camera, the device can identify any standard barcode then searches the supplied SD card for registered recordings to play back and identify the object.

An SD card is used for backup purposes, allowing users, aid assistants or family to have a backup encase of device loss or failure.

the device would have several large buttons with edges for blind/visually impaired, a simple press of any button plays a quick identification of the button, a 1 second or longer press activates the button

additional features include:

  • a playback speed/pitch control, allowing users who don't like their voice to tune it into a more comedic value.
  • Easy drop and charge bay, allows the base to connect to the charger without hassle.
  • Clapper, simply clap to identify the devices location. the device will humm/play music for 2 minutes until device button pressed.