
Tailor Fit

A project log for Perceptoscope

A public viewing device for mixed reality experiences in the form factor of coin-operated binoculars.

bensaxbensax 09/19/2016 at 18:380 Comments

With this final push towards assembly I started by doing a rough layout of components in the context of the yoke. It gives a good sense of how things will come together.

One thing I wanted to make double sure of was that the distances between the screen and my optics were correctly calibrated for focus, so I powered up the screen with one of the tabletop power supplies and did a few tests.

With a big push from Dan, we were able to bust out most of the pitch bearing blocks needed for these next few scopes too. That should put me in a good place to have any milling I'll need done by the end of the residency.

I've also been iterating on the shell design. Before I go into production of the positive, I wanted to make sure the whole thing made sense from a manufacturing and design perspective. I made another scale model to get a sense of what it feels like. There's still some tweaking once I get my final measurements figured out, but I'm liking where it's going.
