

A project log for Green powered sailboat

The goal is to build a tiny autonomous sailboat able to travel potentially forever, powered using solar panels and wind.

silvio-biasiolsilvio biasiol 11/25/2016 at 12:050 Comments

I've designed with autodesk fusion 360 the anemometer that I would like to use. It is attached to the mast. It is composed by two main hardware parts:

- The GY-87 IMU

- the 12.4mm 300Rpm 6 Wires 6 Conductors Capsule Slip Ring 240V AC for Monitor Robotic SRC012C

I didn't know about the existence of the second one, it is a very useful piece that allows to connect electric wires from two rotating components.

Both of them can be purchased for a few dollars on the web. The IMU will provide the wind heading and is placed in the anemometer rotating part:

while the second one will be placed between the rotating part of the anemometer and the base.

Here's the page with the STL files:

I'm wondering if to add a dc motor a the front extremity of the "arrow" in order to get some more electricity, probably in the next log I will add it :)
