
The Ultimate Phone Case

Imagine all your favorite phone gadgets in ONE!!!!!

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Don't you hate it when your phone just runs out of batteries in the middle of a movie, especially the climax? Or when the second before the bass drops in you favorite dub step? Headphone tangled? Your puny phone case fell apart after one tiny drop? Not getting your favorite design or color? This phone case has it all in ONE!! It is a case with anything cool smartphone gadgets you can think of
- Self charging case
- Kickstands for portrait and landscape
- Earbud slot
- Extra protection
- Pocket knives and tools installed
- A mini wallet for cash and cards
- Awesome design
- Projector installed on the flip case (Glass pyramid holographic display accompanied by appropriate images)
And much much more!!

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Headphone pocket

JPEG Image - 28.35 kB - 04/05/2016 at 10:16


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Lachlan Marschke wrote 04/10/2016 at 21:21 point

Cool project. But really is it plausible? How on earth are you going to get all of that stuff into there?

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