On the software side, the firmware centers around the following features:
1. AS3935 chip operations with periodic monitoring and scaling/optimizing of noise floor parameters
2. RTC_B peripheral with FRAM time-saving to retain RTC data across momentary power loss
3. FRAM non-volatile byte-writable features exploited for logging events and storing present time info
4. Serial input/output (enabled/disabled via SW1 pushbutton toggle) for inspecting status and retrieving data
5. Energia support for Ultra-Low-Power sleep modes (used when serial I/O has been disabled) for dropping MCU power utilization substantially
I was sent the very tiny AS3935-BQFT chip. I cannot figure out how to mount these incredibly tiny chips. I can't see anything on the bottom to solder. It's not a breakout board like I thought but the ic chip. Help is greatly appreciated.