
WiFi Coconut

WiFi Coconut is a dual-interface, 58-hr battery life, OpenWRT running, interchangeable antenna, pen-testing portable router.

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The WiFi Coconut is a portable router for general TCP/IP-based wireless networking. Its a lot like the WiFi Pineapple from Hak5. Ever since I heard of the Pineapple, I was intrigued by it, a small configurable dual interface WiFi thing, although the price was too high to justify buying it for the small amount of its capabilities I would actually use. Then I saw the WiFi Pineapple update on Hackaday, and was inspired to build my own version that would better suit my needs, and thus was born the WiFi Coconut. Improvements (for my needs) include a directional antenna for amplifying signals, a tripod screw to help aiming the antenna, batteries that outlast anything you might connect to it, and an Ethernet port for connecting securely to whatever you're doing.

Here are all the technical details:

The TL-MR3020 router is an English version of the TL-WL702N router. It has an on board USB port, an Ethernet port, and a micro USB port for power. It uses 0.5W on average,  giving it a 58 hour runtime with the 4.4 Ah of batteries ((4.4 Ah * 6.6 v)/0.5 W = 58 hrs). The built in antenna is a 1/4 wave F-shaped antenna, printed on the PCB. I am planning on/ have replaced that with an external antenna RP-SMA connector, as shown on the router's OpenWRT Page. In terms of software, OpenWRT is the OS of choice for maximum hackability. If you want a more user-friendly router interface, DD-WRT supports this router as well.  For the hacking side of things, I leave that up to the end user, but there is a link to the Pentura Labs page which explains how to load the Pineapple scripts and config files, etc. 

The batteries are 6.6 v 1100 mAh LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) 2S (2 cells in series) 10C discharge (10x battery capacity) R/C receiver batteries from HobbyKing or Amazon. LiFePO4 batteries offer advantages over LiPo batteries in that they are more stable, can stay charged for long periods without damage, can hold a charge longer than LiPos, can discharge further below the average cell voltage without damage, and have a flatter discharge curve. They are also, conveniently, closer to the 5v needed for USB power, so you don't have to regulate down as much.

The antennas are interchangeable, so this really depends on your use case. My Coconut is going to see a lot of service as a range extender, so I wanted one high-gain directional antenna, and one whatever antenna. For the directional antenna, I'm going with a DIY double quad antenna, using instructions from FRARS, because it can be mounted on the top of my case, for easy transport and protection from getting broken. For the whatever antenna, I'll just use whatever comes with my adapter, probably some terribly off-frequency dipole. 

  • 1 × TL-MR3020 Router Small, power efficient, hackable router
  • 4 × 1100 mAh LiFePO4 Battery Energy dense like LiPos, but more stable, and with a flatter discharge curve
  • 1 × Some USB WiFi Adapter They can be had for cheap on Amazon, with or without external antennas
  • 1 × LiFePO4 Battery charger/ Wall power switching circut I would specify which one I'm using, but I don't know yet.
  • 1 × Case I used a 130x134x56mm (WxLxH) case from Mouser, but anything that can fit your componets will do

View all 12 components

  • In closing

    Adam11/13/2014 at 16:06 0 comments

    So, I've decided to abandon this project. My life has become to busy to be able to work on this, and sourcing LiFePO4 battery charger ICs in a hand-solder-able package seems impossible. If anyone wants to pick up the concept, and/or the name, that's fine with me. Sorry to everyone who wanted to see this finished.

  • Progress Update

    Adam06/04/2014 at 01:14 0 comments

    First, I'd like to extend the standard apology for not updating the project very often. I'd also like to thank everyone who is following and skulling the project, I'm glad you find this interesting. 

    Now to the actual project:

    On the hardware side, the router has arrived, in all its tiny glory. I would put a picture inline, but the button seems to disagree with the computer. I also built a proof of concept circuit for the power system, and the batteries I have power the router through a 7405 well, although I should add a current-limiting resistor.

    On the software side, I flashed OpenWRT. It works well, although I have no idea how to use it, and there are absolutely no guides that attempt to explain it from the beginning anywhere that I can find. However, I do have both WiFi interfaces working, and a very thorough understanding of the fail-safe function.

    In the mean time, happy hacking

  • Power Circuit Schematic

    Adam05/10/2014 at 04:50 0 comments

    The external charge power circuit schematic is now here, in the links section. You may now resume your normal activities.

  • More about the power circut

    Adam05/09/2014 at 03:18 0 comments

    I've figured out more about how the power and charging circuits are going to work. After hours of Googling, I've determined that I don't particularly like any of the charging options. What I would really like is the ability to charge with a micro USB cable, but that obviously won't work unless I break the batteries into eight 1-cell packs and charge them in parallel. This is feasible, but I already ordered the 2-cell packs, so I'm going to build with that for now. I'll draw up schematics for both designs, though. In the 2-cell pack design, there will be a power bus and a charge bus, with all the batteries independently switchable, mostly because that will look cool. The power bus will also have a micro USB port on it for powering from the wall. The last thing I'll include in the power circuit is a USB port for charging your phone from the internal batteries, with a 2 A current limiting circuit. Maybe I'll make that switchable, because the more the cooler looking, right?

  • Timeline

    Adam05/06/2014 at 02:23 0 comments

    The timeline for this project is unfortunate. As it stands right now, I have a) a tricopter build I'm finishing up, b) a bunch of other things I want to start, and c) AP tests to finish. Therefore, I probably won't be able to truly start hacking for about two weeks, and then it will be sparse until school lets out.

    Until then, happy hacking.

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lGabrriellxD wrote 10/29/2014 at 23:54 point
Hi, whats up? I really liked the ideia of your project! Since I really don't want to buy the original Pineapple I'm kind of trying to make my own pentesting dropbox and so far it's been so cool. I've got the MR3020 a couple of days ago and I already rocked OpenWRT in it, a TrendNet usb hub with a 4gb SanDisk Fit (512Mb for Swap and the rest for the rootfs) and a WN722 Usb Wifi Adaptor (ath9k based). I've created a custom ssh login banner with a Coconut logo and a custom drink :P and something like "Boot Modes" with the 3-position switch on the MR3020. If you fell interested in my setup and would like to see the scripts and stuff I made just email at I'm really trying to learn how LuCI works to make a custom Web Interface but LuCI isn't that easy as I expected ^^ Anyways, you got my email if you want to get in touch. Cheers!

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Wilson wrote 08/09/2014 at 08:23 point
Hi, how's the project coming along? Just like to say I'm interested in designing a web GUI for launching modules/ infusions loaded into the MR3020. Currently, there are no ports for the wifipineapple mark V and thus I'm eager to design a web interface with some help. If possible, I'd like to design a mobile app too (android or IOS) to allow easy control of the different installed modules. Although I'm interested in purchasing a wifipineapple myself, I'd still be interested in working on this project. Do email me at I'm still studying right now but my finals are ending soon. I'm quite new in this and I have no professional degree, but I am willing to learn and acquire a better understanding of pentesting. Do check out the related links:

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