Challenge: Smartphone displays/touchscreens break too easy when you drop your phone.
Sometimes you are lucky and your phone falls on the back/bezel and the precious display remains unscathed - other times the spider app gets installed permanently.
A mechanism which changes the odds of survival when your phone falls on the ground. Our solution is Statomotorik (German for “righting reflex”). Cats have this reflex so they always land on their feet.
The statomotorik for phones will be a mechanism that will rotate your phone so it lands flat on its back so there will be a high chance that nothing breaks - in particular not the display.
This can be done e.g. electro-mechanically gimbal style (sensors + movable mass + electro motors), with small thrusters, parachute, quadcopter-like or by other suitable means.
These tiny quadcopters weigh about 20g in total and unfortunately don't provide enough lift to carry a smartphone - but you get the idea.
putting 8 motors (octacopter) on a frame made from straws should give enoug lift for about 15g payload. the maiden flight: backside of an old iphone that was lying around.
It will for sure break the fall but it won't fly. (20g)
Maybe this is not the rout to go - but how could would it be if you could just place your phone in mid air ...
how cool would it be if you could just leave it in mid-air and it would just hover and then gracefully glide to a soft landing. Of course the props would need to be incorporated into the smartphone.
and yes ... after less than a week ... oops I did it again ... didn't even notice when/how it happened
I would try to create a milspec "smart case" that contains a gyroscope on a gimbal and uses the phone sensors to activate the mechanism when the phone starts to fall. My assumption is that a rapid rotation of a spinning gyro would flip the phone onto its back. Once the phone is screen up the milspec case would handle the rest. That's my $0.02 anyway. Love the idea, good luck!
A CMG would indeed work better than a reaction wheel, but the problem is you need the CMG to be spinning already. Spinning it up during the fall is likely too late, and during spinup it will act as a reaction wheel (though if you have three axes of CMGs you could use them to cancel out each other's spinup reaction torque if necessary).