Quantity   Component name
1 × Arduino 2560 The brains of this thing. .. Found one in the house dont need to buy one.
1 × MP3 Trigger Sparkfun.com Plays the bell sounds
1 × RTC Adafruit.com This will keep my time up to date. DS3231 https://www.adafruit.com/products/3013
1 × LCD Ebay 16x2 blue display
4 × Switches Amazon.com
20 × Momentary buttons with caps Amazon.com
1 × 10K pot Had this in my box of goodies
2 × Small proto boards to put the switches and buttons on Amazon.com
1 × Wood project box Walmart craft section
1 × Power supply Amazon.com
1 × Arduino proto shield https://www.adafruit.com/products/192?gclid=CjwKEAjw7ZHABRCTr_DV4_ejvgQSJACr-YcwQA9LLWg9TSfLhraOoTijwMT4S3tt02Vg2ns9nrY9qxoCDAXw_wcB