
Documentation Updates

A project log for EduCase Portable Classroom

A self contained classroom suite in a portable case for use anywhere in the world regardless of infrastructure

eric-wiiliamEric Wiiliam 10/09/2016 at 20:330 Comments

Good documentation is critical to any project. Throughout the EduCase build I tried to write and update the documentation "as I went" versus leaving it for the end. I can happily report this effort has paid off and I'm really happy with the results. Although this method has some drawbacks- I've found overall the project is much further ahead than it would be otherwise.

The System Design Document can be found on GitHub with all the other documentation

It contains overviews of all the systems on board, architecture, code logic, schematics, points of contact and more.

As well you will find the Assembly Guide documente updated regularly. This is intended to supplement the instructions on Hackaday and provide one place to update specific details as the project evolves. As well as give the project version control via GIT.

My hope is that having enough information, pictures and links should make it easier for people of any skill level to create their own version of the EduCase

Check out the entire repository on GitHub HERE as there are many more functional diagrams, schematics, Gerber files, .stl files and code free for download.
