I've searched for a wearable Internet of Things development platform for my needs, and I didn't find what I wanted. Sure, there's a bunch of IoT wearable development boards out there. Some were all in one designs with gyroscopes and accelerometers for watches... but no analog ports. Some were Bluetooth, but not Wifi capable, and without that, WiFi mesh capable. One is sewable. I don't want to sew, and I had a lot of signal problems in sewable circuits. None had all in one cable connects, and I don't want to solder new wires directly to the board. And most of them don't use the Arduino eco-system, which in my opinion, is the most user friendly, community supported, hardware peripheral rich eco-system on the planet.

So, I made one. 

Here's a list of features that first version of the the board comes with.

What can you do with these capabilities? Here's a small list of projects being built with this development board.

With your imagination, the sky isn't even the limit. And, there's more!

With the boards capabilities, you can talk to the cloud, using software frameworks like the open source node.js based Node-Red.

Using the Node-Red framework, you can interface the board with various on-line services, as well as in house cloud software to prototype your Internet of Things Data Analytics ideas. You can use node.js, or everybody's favorite programming language, Python.

What about the "smart" in the name? For starters, we've interfaced Node-Red with one of the more popular machine learning frameworks, like Tensor Flow, or Python and SciPy. This is for the first incarnation of the board and cloud system.

The second incarnation of the system involves embedding an actual neural network chip on the board, from NeuromemAI, so it can do pattern recognition on board, and on the fly, and the machine learning framework can do post processing of the first set of processed data. 

"What does that mean, in English?" you ask? Imagine having a second spinal network that reacts to your every twitch, and move, but with the refined feeling of it knowing and predicting your patterns. No more crazy algorithmic creations to deal with every minute detail of every single movement, when you can just have the board "learn" and interpret your movement and give you a proper response! That means bye bye to over compensation or under compensation. And the second version of it will have WiFi and Bluetooth capability via the ESP32, so you can talk to the cloud and your smartphone.

After almost a year of development, we're assembling the boards now and doing the tests to get them ready for production. You can see a sample of them below.

We will have the first set of assembled boards out by May 12th. With these, you can save yourself a whole world of development pain in wearable human computer interfaces because we took care to design out a lot of the problems from the get go. Support us by following us on Twitter @casual_cyborg, Facebook @casualcyborg1, and signing up for our newsletter (soon to be announced.) And once the board is being manufactured, you can support us in creating the later versions by buying a board!