
Getting the hardware going

A project log for VR Training Feedback

For the TVCOG VR Hackathon my teammates and I decided to create a haptic feedback system to help with task training.

jpcutlerjpcutler 04/16/2016 at 23:290 Comments

I've broken down the hardware aspect of the project into a few steps.

  1. HelloWorld (blink LED 13) on the Adafruit Feather Bluetooth LE - complete
  2. Communicate via i2c with the9dof IMU via i2c - complete
  3. Create a circuit to drive the vibration motors - complete
  4. Communicate with an iPhone via bluetooth - complete
  5. Relay data from 2 to the iPhone via bluetooth - in progress

As far as the software goes Matt is working on connecting with and receiving data via bluetooth in Unity 3d. We couldn't setup the Bluetooth module as a keyboard since we needed bi-directional communications. Instead we setup the module as a BLE server and the phone as a client. In order to send angular data we have to use at least a 2 byte package (360 degrees). We're going to have the overall calculations done on the device and have it send back whether the motors should be on or off.
