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A project log for Modern Braille Workflow

The Modern Braille Workflow provides an alternative way to interact with a computer, using modular components.

danny-caudillDanny Caudill 05/25/2016 at 02:530 Comments

I had to renovate a bathroom in my house this month, so progress on this has slowed, but I am still excited about this workflow-based approach to human machine interaction.

Lately I have been collecting info about how to monitor simultaneous key presses in various languages. Any introductory programming book will show how to get a single key press/key release at a time, but it can be tricky to get more than one.

In Javascript, the best scheme seems to use Event Listeners: Java has a similar concept with KeyListeners ( and

One of those pages reminded me that many inexpensive keyboards only support one or two key presses at a time, and some high-end keyboards have various regions where only one or a few key presses can be registered at a time. Microsoft has a good article about this “Ghosting” effect: That makes me think that the best alternative is still to produce my own custom keyboard, since even the best software won’t overcome that hardware limitation.

I think it is time to pickup a Teensy ( and write some microcontroller code.

Have a great day!

