
Continuing Java NeuroFeedback Development

A project log for Train Your Brain with NeuroFeedback

Brain hacking!!! Improve your focus and concentration by training your brain using NeuroFeedback.

tom-meehanTom Meehan 09/11/2016 at 01:490 Comments

I've been digging into existing code for parsing the serial data from the TGAM1 board, mainly the open source Brainflex Project, instead of the ThinkGear Connector from Neurosky. A more direct link to the download release page: BrainFlex02 (I'm using the research release).

After having issues with the compiled .jar file (Brainflex001.jar) – not connecting to headset – I decided to build the .jar file for Brainflex02 (the research release). I've been working a lot with the NetBeans IDE, for this project and with Microchips MPLABX, which is built on the NetBeans IDE. Even so, I am still learning all the little in's and out's needed to effectively use it.

To build an executable .jar file from the source code using NetBeans: After opening NetBeans I clicked File → New Project and selected Java → JavaApplication. I named the project “BrainFlex2Build”. After creating the project I imported the unzipped files from the github repository, that I downloaded.

After importing the source files I immediately saw errors flagged, even before building the project. I still attempted to build the project, just so that I could see what the specific errors were. The build errors turned out to be the result of missing libraries – specifically the jSSC (Java Simple Serial Connector) library and the Math3 library. I was able to find both of these with a simple search but couldn't figure out how to add them to NetBeans so that the functions would be included in the build. Lucky for me I came across the following article, including videos, by Andr.oid Eric: Prepare jSSC download and add library

While there is no voice over on these videos, they are short and quite clear as to how to add libraries to NetBeans and added the libraries to the properties of the project file (so they are included in the compiled code).

Quick comment: Switching from a plain dry electrode (the one on the MindFlex headset) to a 'wet' electrode (using conductive electrode paste) definitely improves the signal. I am curious: does using 'wet' electrodes allow from longer electrode cables?
