
Next Bus 7-segments display

Next bus departure in real time

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This board is an Arduino mega shield with an ethernet module on it. It's displaying real time departures of the 3 nearest bus lines from my house.

The Green 7-segments are displaying the line number and the orange ones are for the times (HH MM SS / hours minutes seconds).

It connects on the Keolis open data server every 24 sec to get next departures and after that it displays the request time for 2 seconds then the departure time for 2 sec and a countdown during next 20 seconds.

  • 2 × MC14499 Interface and IO ICs / Display Interface
  • 2 × ULN2003-A Discrete Semiconductors / Transistor Arrays
  • 3 × 2*7-segments display (common cathode) Orange
  • 2 × 7-segments display (common anode) Green
  • 1 × Arduino Mega 2560

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  • Arduino (Uno/Mega) MC14499 code

    TJ03/08/2015 at 11:33 0 comments

    Arduino Uno:

    static int latchPin = 8; //enable
    static int clockPin = 12; //clock
    static int dataPin = 11; //data

    Arduino Mega:

    static int latchPin = A0; //enable
    static int clockPin = 49; //clock
    static int dataPin = 48; //data


    void mc14499ShiftOut(byte val)
          for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)  {
                digitalWrite(dataPin, !!(val & (1 << (3 - i))));
                digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
                digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);            
    b1 => Green  7-segment "bus 1"
    b2 => Green  7-segment "bus 2"
    h1 => Orange 7-segment "hours 1"
    h2 => Orange 7-segment "hours 2"
    m1 => Orange 7-segment "minutes 1"
    m2 => Orange 7-segment "minutes 2"
    s1 => Orange 7-segment "seconds 1"
    s2 => Orange 7-segment "seconds 2"
    static void affi7(byte b1, byte b2, byte h1, byte h2, byte m1, byte m2, byte s1, byte s2)
     digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
     digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
    static void affi(int bus, int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
     byte s2 = (byte)(seconds-(seconds/10)*10);
     byte s1 = (byte)(seconds/10);
     byte m2 = (byte)(minutes-(minutes/10)*10);
     byte m1 = (byte)(minutes/10);
     byte b2 = (byte)(bus-(bus/10)*10);
     byte b1 = (byte)(bus/10);
     byte h2 = (byte)(hours-(hours/10)*10);
     byte h1 = (byte)(hours/10);
     if (b1 == 0)
       b1 = 0xFF;
     if (hours == 0xFFFF) {
       h1 = 0xFF;
       h2 = 0xFF;
       if (minutes == 0xFFFF) {
         m1 = 0xFF;
         m2 = 0xFF;
     affi7(b1, b2, h1, h2, m1, m2, s1, s2);
    void setup()  //arduino setup
      pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
    On the picture:
    void loop()
      affi(2, 19, 50, 00);

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RODRANNER wrote 03/06/2015 at 20:26 point

hello, I recovered some cards with 8 display operated by 2 mc14499 but I can not manage them with arduino, could you help me with the code

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TJ wrote 03/08/2015 at 11:38 point

Please find the new section "Code" in the project logs.



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TJ wrote 11/07/2014 at 15:50 point
It's still working but I'm making a 3D printed box for it.

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MakerSelf wrote 11/07/2014 at 05:05 point
Have you made any progress on this?

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