
Revisions for WorkHorse 3D Printer Mk3

A project log for Automatic Infinite 3D Printer

The Automatic Infinite 3D Printer (i3D) gives anyone the power of a factory.

swaleh-owaisSwaleh Owais 04/24/2018 at 20:430 Comments

I am currently developing a third iteration of the WorkHorse 3D Printer.

In this revision, I am placing a special emphasis on building an industry grade machine. NO MORE DUCT TAPE! I am still working on the new design, but I am quite happy with how I simplified many of the components.

To pay for the high quality machine, I am hoping to be able to use the Hackaday Funding.

So if I am lucky enough to have a judge read this post, I implore them to consider the below details while selecting the top 20 candidates.

Also, I would like to thank everyone that liked my Hackaday entry for helping support this project.

During the robotics module contest, I will attempt to turn my mechanism into an independent module.

My next post will be on the CAD and design changes for Mk. 3.
