
Interesting read on DIY locally-sourced ultrasound gel

A project log for Open source ultrasound phantoms

Ultrasound Phantoms: War were declared

kelu124kelu124 06/07/2016 at 14:540 Comments

"This paper describes design of a low cost, ultrasound gel from local products applying aspects of Human Centered Design methodology. A multidisciplinary team worked with clinicians who use ultrasound where commercial gel is cost prohibitive and scarce. The team followed the format outlined in the Ideo Took Kit. Research began by defining the challenge "how to create locally available alternative ultrasound gel for a low-resourced environment? The "End-Users," were identified as clinicians who use ultrasound in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia. An expert group was identified and queried for possible alternatives to commercial gel."

#BOP #Jugaad #JusteCool

