Hardware specs:
Processor - STM32F407ZET6
Memory - 512K * 16bit SRAM
Rev1.1 (cost down):
Processor - STM32F407VGT6
Memory - All moved to internal SRAM
Screen - ED060SC4 800*600 EPD (working in 16-level greyscale mode)
Display the Date & Time of course.
Display BMP from SD card as a background.
Probably use it with Raspberry Pi?
Driving details:
Up to 16 shades of grey. Full refresh & partial refresh. Full 800*600 resolution
Fast response 1-bit mode available (Up to 10fps+, depending on the screen used)
See source code for detail. Software driven, no special controller used.
An write-up about the EPD driver program in the project log, check it out!
This looks great!
Can anyone recomend a good source of info for getting started programming on e-ink? I have writen successfully for OLED before so I think it may be similar. I cannot wait to get tinkering with a screen like the one you are using.