The Medicycle build is progressing at lightning speed, The frame is mostly complete and John has almost completed the electronics required to make the unicycle balance, the instrument panel has even been 3d printed.
This is not the first machine we have built, if you want to find out more then visit this website
Watch this space there is more to come
int forwardbackPin = 1; //analog voltage from a potentiometer I have connected to a "twist grip" on left handlebar.
//It allows machine to be moved by adjusting the point at which it thinks it is "level" as well as just by leaning of the rider.
//Not essential to have this will work fine just by leaning.
int potPin = 9; //Potentiometer for adjusting the overall gain i.e. the "tightness" or "sloppiness" of the ride experience.
int ppotPin = 13; //analog input 13 is from wiper of the potentiometer that adjusts p gain
int ipotPin = 14; //analog input 14 is from potentiometer that adjusts i gain
int dpotPin = 15; //analog input 15 is from potentiometer that adjusts d gain
int batteryPin = 7; //analog pin 7 on Arduino has Vbattery/7 applied to it from the OSMC so we can work out the battery voltage.
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