Quantity   Component name
1 × Jacques Cousteau style scuba mask I got mine on Ebay for $20
1 × WS2812B (or similar) RGB programmable LED strip
1 × Headlamp with 4xAA rear battery compartment Cannibalize the headlamp battery case. You can use whatever 5V power source you want though.
1 × 5V step up converter/regulator
1 × MPU-9250 Accelerometer For making the LED light show responsive to body movement
1 × Arduino Any microcontroller will do, though you will have to jump through some hoops if its not 5v since we need 5v to drive the LED strip.
1 × Latched push button switch I added this to the battery pack as a power switch
1 × Acrylic or Plexiglas Mirror Needs to be at least as large as the scuba mask glass viewing pane.
1 × Flexible plastic sheet mirror These come in packs of 24 usually. This is optional. I lined the viewing hole in the mask with rolled up plastic mirror sheet.
1 × Partial Mirror Film Sometimes known as "one way" mirror film. You want about 50% transmission and you only need enough to cover the front glass of the scuba mask. Some "Privacy film" or "one way mirror film" is way too dark for this application so be sure and check the transmission rating or buy something that is specifically advertised for infinity mirrors.