
Aquaculture System

A project log for Containerized Hydro/Aquaculture Food Production

Packed into a 20 ft. shipping container, this food production system combines automation, hydroponics and aquaculture. 05/17/2016 at 18:300 Comments

The Aquaculture Aspect of this project is a little more complicated and made up of several parts:

a. Tanks, some are large and some are small

b. Fish transfer mechanization

c. Circulation system

d. Aeration system

e. Filtration system

f. Breedery/hatchery

g. Feeding system

a. Tanks

- 2 Large (400 gal), 2 medium (200 gal), and 4 small (50 gal) main tanks for growing out the fingerlings to harvest size

- Micro tanks for breeding and up to fingerling sizes

- Separate tanks could be partitioned from a larger tank

b. Fish transfer

- Mechanism for automated transfer of fish based on size

- Could be as simple as sized openings or as complex as a mechanized scooping basket

c. Circulation

- standard pumps

d. Aeration

- air inclusion occurs when the irrigation flow-through drops into the tank

- additional aeration may be required through traditional bubblers

e. Filtration

- sized grates at the bottom of tanks allow refuse to drop through

- pumped to holding tank and allowed to breakdown a little

- passed through progressively smaller mesh filters (that allow flushing)

- pH adjustments as needed before recirculated or sent to irrigate

f. Breedery/hatchery

- part of the tank system, the flow-through filter or grating allows for separation of adults and frys

- water flow pushes frys out of hatchery tank into next stage

g. Feeding system

- as the conveyor moves, bits and pieces fall through (either from the growing surface or from the return conveyor)

- algae will grow inside tanks and provide some nutrition

- additional feeding can include table scraps and other wastes

- can be supplemented by hydroponic plant matter production
