
Tweak Done To DVD grating - Solux Lamp Spectrum Calibration

A project log for DAV5 V2.1 Spectrometer

The ZEN of simplicity Making the Complex...Seem Simple

david-h-haffner-srDavid H Haffner Sr 10/18/2016 at 17:150 Comments

The first plot is a Solux 12vdc 50W 4700K Reference spectrum I downloaded from the Solux website, under their technical specifications section, so I could reference it against my Solux lamp of the same specs.

I modified the camera holder for the DH 4 V4a spectrometer (the one with the JDEPC-ov05 cmos camera,) and used the prototype design from the DAV5 blueprints for the ELP cmos camera mount and sculpted a new camera mount, that now, not only houses the camera but securely fastened the DVD grating to the mount itself for perfect alignment.

I also wanted to experiment with a polarizing filter I have (a big one at; 82mm dia.) The effect is very prominent.

I finally figured out what that "spike" is at 433nm, I inspected the camera with the lens off, and found a scratch underneath the focusing lens, it must have happened during my removal of the IR filter! :(
