

A free, open, online learning platform to teach computer science to beginners.

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Here at CodeGeek, we are devoted to building the best courses we can possibly create to teach computer science.

About CodeGeek

Here at CodeGeek, we are devoted to building the best programming courses we can possibly create.

We are a small team of programmers, ranging in background from data analysis to web development, that got together with an idea to spread computer science education. Together, we are developing curriculum and learning materials that will provide you with all the knowledge and understanding you could possibly need to solve problems using code. This idea of problem solving is essentially what computer science is, solving problems as quickly and as efficiently as possible with the aide of a computer.

With these skills, we hope you can use them to build cool things and learn even more things in the field of computer science. We want to teach you computer science and we want to inspire you to keep learning it. We think you'll enjoy learning with us.


We support the spread of computer science education and we are devoted to building the best programming courses we can possibly create. We are also devoted to building the best possible, open sourced, curriculum for our courses. This is why we started OpenCG, or Open CodeGeek. 

With OpenCG, you can access our teaching materials and teach the course yourself to others. You can go about teaching this course however you wish. You could setup a public workshop, host an after school event, or teach your friends and family right in your living room. All of our teaching materials are free, and open to anyone. You can even modify them if you'd like.

The end goal of OpenCG is to simply provide anyone who teaches or wants to teach computer science, with an open source teaching framework that provides high quality material in an easy to understand manner.

OpenCG Brochure.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 457.31 kB - 07/29/2017 at 05:46


Project Outline.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 375.58 kB - 07/29/2017 at 05:46


  • 2017 Update

    lbattaglioli200007/29/2017 at 06:02 0 comments

    Creating a course is not easy.

    There is a lot of work that has to go into it. CodeGeek aims for perfection. 

    A few years back, Apple made a really great video for their developers conference describing their design and development process and I want to share that video with you right now.

    Like Apple, we strive to produce a perfect product and we won't stop until we've perfected it. Whilst developing the content and curriculum for our Python course, we started from scratch three times because the flow of the content didn't meet our exceptionally high standards.

    In the video, the designers at Apple ponder what they want people to feel. Excitement, joy, connection, and love. All of these are foundational emotions that we must also tap into. We want our students to be connected with one another, and we want our community of teachers to be connected to one another. We want to bring the excitement out of people by giving them the power to build cool stuff, We want them to be excited about learning code, because it really is exciting!

    There is a lot to consider when designing something. "There are a thousand no's for every yes." 

    We are excited to launch, however we're far from ready. We're busy perfecting every aspect of our product. And that takes time.

    So, we simply ask, for time.

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Ivan wrote 05/04/2017 at 18:42 point

Source code for navbar?

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lbattaglioli2000 wrote 07/29/2017 at 05:21 point

Hi sorry for the late response! I've been busy redesigning and redeveloping our course curriculum and haven't been on here in a long while! If you're worried about the complexity of the course, I can assure you that I've designed (and still am designing) it to be easy of anyone from a complete beginner to an expert coder simply looking to learn a new programming language. I've done my best to simplify all the programming concepts in the course. I think a 70 year old with no computer experience could handle the topics in this course! If you'd like to see what we've done so far with the course content, I'll leave you a link to our OpenCG portal, which is our custom built application that holds all our teaching materials (and other stuff for teachers!) You can look at some of the lessons (in the form of Google Slide presentations) for each lesson.

I think you'll really enjoy it!

OpenCG Course Content Portal:

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