Here is the current repo:
I love space. I always have. The idea behind space exploration, the driving factor gets me up in the morning. However, space exploration is hard. We can't easily send things up into space to learn more about the universe around us, but sometimes, we can wait for things to come down.
That's the idea behind this project. Find objects entering the earth's atmosphere in order to learn more about our Solar System and its origins. Not only is it valuable to find meteorites after they've landed, but also to find out where they came from. From this we can learn more about the formation of Earth and the Planets. Furthermore, as meteors tend to be chunks of larger asteroids, detecting a meteor can give you a good idea of the larger asteroids orbit.
Hi. I did not investigate much, but they have GITHUB repos here. See freeture:
Also, they have a quite large camera network installed, a local users that help them during hunts ...
Maybe you shoud contact them, and speak about your own project ? I am interested in the results !