
Realtime Cigarette Smoke Detector

A sensor meant to measure and detect cigarette smoke in public places.

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The sensor is meant to be placed in a room with heavy traffic to detect when cigarette smoke is present. The device is small and can be placed on a table. Everything can be powered through a single 12v power adapter.

I have chosen to address the measurement of 2nd hand smoke in public.

This is a project that is targeted at public establishments that have outlawed smoking indoors. It is inexpensive to produce, and runs off of a small current source.

The body is a 3D printed piece that also functions as a shroud for the fan. On the top I have attached that project enclosure, that I have chosen to use without a lid, for easy cable management. I have cut a piece of particle board to attach the sensor to the back of the fan shroud. On the opening of the fan shroud I have zip stripped an 80 mm fan. The fan allows for better airflow to the sensor, thus it pulls in smoke easier

The code that is running on the Arduino can be found in the Git Hub repository. The code checks for smoke particles through the sensor. If smoke particles are detected the LED is lit.

Airflow Box.stl

To force airflow to the sensor.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 4.96 kB - 07/07/2016 at 08:44


  • 1 × Shinyei Model PPD42NS Dust Sensor Air quality sensor.
  • 1 × Arduino Leonardo Microcontroller board.
  • 1 × Large Project Enclosure The title says it all.
  • 1 × Green LEDs Indicates parts per million on a bar graph.
  • 1 × 220 Ohm Resistor Current limiting resistors for the LEDs.

View all 8 components

  • Code Broken

    Caleb Hanneman07/11/2016 at 18:46 0 comments

    I have found multiple errors in my code that have rendered it partially functional. I will do a re work and post the file to the Git Hub repository.

  • Plans for Future

    Caleb Hanneman07/11/2016 at 05:13 0 comments

    For the future of the project I plan to add an LED bar graph to determine different levels of smoke in the air. Code for this will be pushed to a side branch of the Git Hub repository. Updates on the physical aspects of the project will be pushed to the project page. I have also planned for testing in a real environment, such as a larger room.

  • Code Updates

    Caleb Hanneman07/11/2016 at 05:09 0 comments

    I have updated, and cleaned up the source code of the project, and have pushed it to the master branch of the repository on Git Hub. I have followed the chart on the Seeed Studio wiki page to setup checks for different sample times and smoke concentrations.

  • The Build: Physical Portion

    Caleb Hanneman07/11/2016 at 05:03 0 comments

    At this point I am designing the stl file that can be found in the files section of the project. It is being printed on my Printrbot Simple Metal at 196 degrees Celsius with a layer height of 0.1986. Truth be told most of the pieces of the project are simply attached using super glue.

  • The Build: Digital Portion

    Caleb Hanneman07/11/2016 at 04:58 0 comments

    I used the resources that I have posted in the links section to write the code for the project. The code is an adaptation of the code provided on the wiki article. At the moment it is simply checking for any dust particles through the sensor, and is simply test code. It will not be posted to the Git Hub page. The next functional iteration will be posted.

View all 5 project logs

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