
BJT output characteristics:

A project log for SEELablet : Instrument Cluster For Laboratories

Minimal, yet powerful combination of control and measurement tools integrated with an SBC running Python based UIs for science & Engg. Expts

varunbluboyVarunbluboy 07/10/2016 at 17:380 Comments

Aim: To observe the output characteristics of a BJT on a curve tracer.

The base voltage (thereby base current) is varied and the corresponding I-V curve is plotted.

Resultant Data:

from SEEL import interface

pv2 = I.set_pv2( 1.0)   #  Bias the base via a 200K resistor.
base_voltage = I.get_voltage('CH3')
base_current = (pv2-base_voltage)/200e3 # Use Ohm's law to determine current
CollectorCurrent = []
CollectorVoltage = []
for a in np.linspace(0,5,100):
  pv1 = I.set_pv1(a)
  CollectorCurrent .append( (pv1 - I.get_voltage('CH1') )/1e3 )

from pylab import *
plot(CollectorVoltage,CollectorCurrent ) #Plot and try a different base current
