
BJT Amplifier

A project log for SEELablet : Instrument Cluster For Laboratories

Minimal, yet powerful combination of control and measurement tools integrated with an SBC running Python based UIs for science & Engg. Expts

varunbluboyVarunbluboy 07/10/2016 at 18:110 Comments

Aim: To operate the BJT as an amplifier in the common emitter configuration.

The input and output waveforms are traced on the oscilloscope using two channels. The gain can be calculated directly using the measure gain button. This experiment can be modified to calculate the bandwidth of the amplifier by varying the frequency of the input waveform and noting the corresponding gain.

Resulting Data:

The same can also be achieved using code

from SEEL import interface

#fetch 5000 points each from CH1, CH2 with 2uS between each
x,y1,y2 = I.capture2(5000,2)

from SEEL.analyticsClass import analytics
math = analytics()
amp1,freq,phase,offset = math.sineFit(x,y1) #Calculate parameters of input waveform
amp2,freq2,phase2,offset2 = math.sineFit(x,y2) #calculate parameters of output
print (amp1,amp2,'gain = %.3e'%(amp2/amp1)) #calculate and print gain

from pylab import *
