
Jugnu - LED Throwies

a small effort to introduce kids to LEDs, Batteries, Magnets and making LIGHT - JUGNU is Urdu for Firefly

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What do you do when you are asked to entertain kids (8 to 18) in a summer boot camp at an AWESOME Technology Incubator.

You bring what you LOVE to the table - what we @EjaadTech love is MAKING and Electronics.

So, after thinking about it and asking here, we went for JUGNU, LED Throwie kits for kids.

This is a LOG of what we did and the relevant files and images.

The project is our story of how we gave some kids their first entry into electronics and making by showing them how make an LED Throwie - do check out the project images and the logs and the Files attached with the project.

I used any and all relevant images/material/diagrams I could find from Google - without giving attribution/credit to anyone or even asking about it. SORRY FOR THAT - but this is just a small project and no commercial stuff - so i hope no issues. :)

Tutorial -

Images from an instructable showing how to make an LED Throiw

x-zip-compressed - 20.29 MB - 07/09/2016 at 07:10


the art of making.pptx

PowerPoint presentation made in the last hour - audience 8 to 18 year old kids

presentation - 5.87 MB - 07/09/2016 at 07:04



Front and Back cover for the plastic bags for kits.

document - 2.63 MB - 07/09/2016 at 06:59


  • 10 × LEDs Different sizes and colors
  • 30 × Resistors - 100ohm, 1kohm, 10kohm different values, 5 to 15 of each
  • 2 × Transistor NPN - 2N2222 for switching
  • 4 × Capacitor - 104 non-electrolytic - 0.1uF just for kicks - and maybe for blinky circuits
  • 2 × Coin Cell power for the LIGHTS

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View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 01/03/2017 at 11:53 point

A great idea. Some very basic electronics to get the kids interested to begin with. It's too easy these days to just open a box and play games. Getting hands on is a great way to break that cycle:-)

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ZaidPirwani wrote 07/09/2016 at 07:33 point

Now, thinking what to do next time, we will have a NEW batch of kids and the kids in the first batch said, it was too easy, so maybe something a bit more difficult/challenging.?

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