
Communication between two hc-05 Bluetooth modules

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Set an hc-05 bluetooth module to master mode to send serial data to another module.

Discussions wrote 10/28/2014 at 22:37 point
Yes. also interested in those 2 questions. Great tutorial.

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tharun19 wrote 06/20/2014 at 13:27 point
Hi, is that it? How is a secure connection built between the two modules? because there is no authentication happening. Just change one module to master and its ready to communicate with another module (slave) directly? What if there are 2 slaves? Kindly let me know :)

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backlunp wrote 06/26/2014 at 19:05 point
Hi, sorry for the late response. I'm not exactly sure what the underlying routines are that make it work, but when one device is in master mode it will automatically connect to a module in slave mode. It's really that simple. I only have 2 modules so I haven't been able to test using multiple slaves (such as in a multislave piconet.) If you find an answer please let me know and I'll include it in the description

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