
After all that, looks very simple

A project log for WICE-4M

Leap Electronics WICE-4M EPROM Emulator Reverse Engineered

forthnutterforthnutter 08/06/2019 at 12:491 Comment

Only spent a couple hours this part and look like very simple glue logic. Only difficult section was the compare logic done earlier.

I think I am going to need to test this, by designing some logic equations and put it into a PAL Assembler. Now I wonder where I can get a PAL Assembler now days.

Going through my stock of old part in garage. I found a tube PALCE22V10, now how do we program the little chippies.

Need to dig out that old Universal Programmer I packed away in a box.


Dave's Dev Lab wrote 08/06/2019 at 15:16 point

wincupl is still available for working with PAL/GAL chips. the TL866 usb programmer works with a wide range of the PAL/GAL chips. i'd suggest actually looking at using 16V8 instead. it's a small device, but there is a ton more stock available for people trying to replicate your project...

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