
Hackaday Veridian III

Hackaday meetup near Las Vegas the day before Defcon starts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 01:00 pm PDT - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 03:00 pm PDT Local time zone:
Valley of Fire State Park
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Hackaday is hosting a meetup at the most unlikely place possible: Veridian III, the site of the battle between the Duras sisters and the Enterprise, the crash site of NCC-1701-D, and the final resting place of Admiral James Tiberius Kirk.

We’ll be visiting Veridian III at the Valley of Fire State Park on Wednesday, August 3rd, starting at 1pm. It’s about an hour north of Vegas. As you would expect, hats, sunscreen, good shoes, and a supply of water that could be categorized as “survivalist” are a good idea. Hackaday will be at the visitor center at 1PM, and after a half hour or so, the entire meetup will drive a few miles north to cooler looking rocks.

This meetup is hosted by @Benchoff.

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Coincidently, there's a Star Trek convention happening the same week!

  • So this is what the grave of James T. Kirk looks like

    Benchoff08/05/2016 at 02:48 0 comments

    The event is over. It was a blast... furnace. Anybody know what you do when your rental car overheats and there's no cell service?

    First you see the 115. Then you see the engine temp.

    Apart from the heat and ignored warnings to not go hiking under any circumstances, this was an *awesome* meetup. It was an otherworldly landscape. Here's the pic dump:

    Most of this (including the slot canyon) is the White Domes trail. that's a two mile hike. I'd like to thank Matt and Greg for suffering through the heat for this one. I owe you guys t-shirts. email me.

    The meetup was a complete success. We got a Hackaday flag on a big rock near Kirk's grave. That's good enough for me. This also opens the door for an Oregon Vortex meetup, a remaining Blockbuster store meetup, and the much-desired Spillville meetup.

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Benchoff wrote 08/01/2016 at 00:26 point

We'll also be discussing how Star Trek: Voyager led directly to the presidency of Barack Obama. (It did, for real)

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