
Slow Progress


An affordable 4/5/6 axis robotic arm design that can be easily made by students/enthusiasts developing for real world interaction.

andrew-beckerAndrew Becker 06/05/2014 at 21:440 Comments

So I've been as sick as a dog and wrapped up in bed at home. This might have been a great opportunity to get a whole lot of work done on the project but if I had been well enough to do that I would have been well enough to go to work since I work as a design engineer doing CAD work. Still, between sleeping and feeling sorry for myself I managed to place most of the fasteners and finish off the 5th axis. I also found a nema 8 motor and gearbox combination that will work perfectly for the 6th axis but the supplier is out of stock so I'm leaving the 6th axis for now.

I am going to box the arms for additional rigidity, other than that the design is at a stage where I can begin to manufacture components. Most of the design is laser/water jet cut parts however there are 6 or 7 components that will need turning or in the case of 2 components 4 axis milling. This sounds more complex than it actually as as the 4th axis movement will just be indexing 90* on a rotary table. I believe that all of the components designed can be manufactured by an enthusiast with a bit of patience and inventiveness.

Below is the initial BOM to give you an Idea of what will be used. This doesn't yet include any electronics, prices, or part numbers.

Item QTY Name
1 1 RA1001
2 2 0.5Nm Stepper
3 1 Stepper 0 Mounting Plate
4 1 Pivot 0 Pin
5 2 DIN 628 SKF - SKF 3203 A
6 1 Pivot 1 Base
7 1 Pivot 1 Pin
8 2 ISO 4032 - M16
9 2 1Nm Stepper
10 4 ISO 4762 - M6 x 20
11 1 DIN 625 SKF - SKF 16100
12 4 GT2 20T
13 3 GT2 60T
14 1 DIN 472 - 40 x 2
15 3 GT2 20T Narrow
16 3 GT2 60T Idle
17 1 Joint 1 Spacer
18 2 Joint 1 Gearbox Plate
19 10 DIN 625 SKF - SKF 618/8
20 1 ISO 4762 - M6 x 12
21 1 Gearbox Shaft
22 1 Arm 1 Mount Side 2
23 2 ISO 4032 - M8
24 1 Joint 1 Bush
25 1 Joint 2 Clevice
26 2 DIN 628 SKF - SKF 7202 BE
27 1 Joint 3 Axial Pin
28 1 Arm 1 Back Side
29 1 ISO 4762 - M8 x 80
30 4 DIN 125 - A 8.4
31 1 GT2 60T Threaded
32 1 8mm Bush
33 4 ISO 4762 - M5 x 16
34 1 ISO 4762 - M8 x 30
35 1 ISO 4762 - M8 x 16
36 4 ISO 4762 - M5 x 50
37 4 Joint 1 Gearbox Bush
38 2 Joint 2 Gearbox Plate
39 1 0.25Nm Stepper
40 2 Arm 2 Motor Side
41 1 Joint 5 Pivot
42 2 DIN 625 SKF - SKF 618/6
43 4 ISO 4762 - M4 x 12
44 4 ISO 4762 - M3 x 10
45 1 ISO 4762 - M6 x 16
46 2 ISO 7089 - 6 - 140 HV
47 1 ISO 4762 - M6 x 10
48 1 Arm 3 Tube
49 1 Arm 3 Pivot
