
Passive building construction from the foundations

First go at understanding the building code for a passive build home

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This project will be videoed from the foundations to the finished roof , having an R value of R-50 PLUS concrete pad, 20 in. 508mm thick walls with R- value of 70, roof trusses with high heel for R-60 insulation, triple glazed windows with gas and e-glass, open out, in and revolve. heat ex changer that is 90 % efficient


Framing the window and door liners in the 20in/508mm thick double wall construction

JPEG Image - 3.31 MB - 05/21/2018 at 02:43


hot water lines in the insulation 012.JPG

into woodworking jigs, and more jigs, table saw safety and more seumas2 has about 400 videos on viyoutube

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hot water lines in the insulation 019.JPG

used a straight edge with the router

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hot water lines in the insulation 037.JPG

simple INNOVATIVE router idea by George K

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passive 66 001.JPG

used a router with an 1in./25mm bit to channel in the water lines, blue coded for the cold/ red coded for the hot

JPEG Image - 643.29 kB - 04/13/2018 at 23:59


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  • 1 × R value R 50 plus insulation This material is used in passive house construction

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  • 1
    Step 1
  • 2
    Complete video step one and two details of foundations and the insulated pad, with a simple foam cutter, plus a lot more

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norverbalrex wrote 05/07/2023 at 13:15 point

There has been a great deal of value to me in my involvement with the project. Would like to share it with the best-pop-up-gazebos team so they can also read it and implement something new.

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romek71561 wrote 12/28/2021 at 06:57 point

Look interesting. I have tried the same program with some home roof objects. You can see my demo on this website

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