Because of the Omega's limited storage, we'll need an
external drive in which to place our downloads. Follow these commands on
your Omega Console to mount the drive.
1-A) Plug in the USB Storage
1-B) Usually, it will get mapped to the sda1 device. Double check the mapping:
ls /dev/sda*
1-C) Create a mount point directory
mkdir /mnt/sda1
1-D) Mount the drive, using 'mount <device> <mount point>'. For example:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1/
The storage can now be accessed at /mnt/sda1
1-E) To safely remove the drive, use 'umount <mount point>'. For example:
umount /mnt/sda1/
For the purposes of this guide, let's assume the USB device was mounted to /mnt/sda1
Because of the Omega's limited memory, we need to setup a
swap file on the USB storage to extend the available memory. Follow
these commands on your Omega Console to setup the swap file.
2-A) Install the required package
opkg update
opkg install swap-utils
2-B) Use the dd utility to create the file that will become the swap
The dd utility can be dangerous if used incorrectly
We'll need a client to download files via BitTorrent;
Transmission works well on OpenWRT so let's install the daemon as well
as the web interface packages: