
Chest Arc Reactor

When you have a 3D printer and a little brother that love Iron Man, there's only one thing to do.

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This project is about my journey in making a chest arc reactor for my little brother. It could have been done better with some planning (like spray painting it before installing components), but it came out pretty damn alright.

My brother (who was the driving force behind my Robo-Roach) loves Iron Man. So, I decided to make the lil guy a chest arc reactor. I found a model of one on Thingiverse, and I followed it to a point, but I ended up needing to make my own parts to make it really work. This project went from idea to completion in two days and it was too much fun to keep to myself. There are no specific build instructions per-se, but the build log pretty much tells the tale.

Links to my custom designed parts and the original arc reactor model itself can be found in the links section.

  • 1 × 3D Printed Arc Reactor See external links
  • 1 × Lamp Cord
  • 14 × Blue LED
  • 1 × Solid Core Wire
  • 1 × 9v Battery Clip

View all 9 components

  • Completed

    Victor Frost06/03/2014 at 04:59 0 comments

    The LEDs arrived and I was very confused. For whatever reason, they refused to work in series, so I had to wire them in parallel. Of course, now I had the problem of keeping them from shorting out against those wonderful copper coils. So, I took the original arc reactor model, and cut off every from 1mm up and everything in the center. This created a nice shielding plate which would cover the coils while still allowing the LED leads to pass through. Then I added a 1mm tall rail to the top of it for partitioning the positive from the negative. All this being done, I soldered the LEDs into pairs and used solid core wire to join the pairs together into a single loop, then connected it to the center.

    Looks damn nice too, I should say.

    But, this is for my little brother to wear, so we can't have all that wiring showing. Again, using the original arc reactor model, I created a clip-on backplate for it and ran the leads from the LED bank out the back, foam taped a battery to it, and soldered on a 9v battery clip. Now, I'm going to turn it over to my parents to find a strap for it to strap to his chest. On my end, it's complete!

  • The hardest part is done

    Victor Frost06/02/2014 at 08:38 0 comments

    The original file has been printed. Took... 2-ish hours at .3mm because anything longer would have been simply unbearable for such a long file. I stripped the lamp cord and wrapped it around each area where coil ought to be and soldered it in place. Unfortunately, I wish I had thought of spray painting it silver before doing that. Oh well. 

    The blue LEDS arrive tomorrow so, in the mean time, I'm mocking up a snap-on back plate in tinkerCAD to cover up all the wires and stuff and provide a concealed surface to mount a battery pack in.

View all 2 project logs

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davedarko wrote 06/02/2014 at 08:51 point
You can still paint it silver and wipe/brush/sand off the color from the coils, worked for me on a zero dollar lightsaber ;) with some black color and using the same technic you can achieve some cool weathering finish.

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