
The Story

A project log for Aman :The low cost wireless stress monitoring sock

Quantify stress comfortably by measuring Electrodermal Activity(EDA) and Heart Rate along with contextual info like Humidity,Temp & Motion

naveen-sridharanNaveen Sridharan 08/07/2016 at 04:060 Comments

I'm a final year electrical engineering student based out of Chennai,India. I love building and making gadgets and have strong desire to bring in change to the world.
I got inspired to work on Aman after seeing a close relative of mine suffer everyday due to stress, Every time I met him during family visits I found him to be worn out and he was aging rapidly before my eyes.
After taking an elective of Biomedical Engineering at college, I learnt of various sensing methodologies that could quantify physiological parameters.
We were being thought about Galvanic Skin Response one lousy afternoon in class when I suddenly was struck by an idea for stress monitoring. I immediately started sketching it out on my journal and started making a storyboard to better understand the problems faced.

Here's the storyboard which was compiled from various problems faced by people suffering chronic stress.

I realised such a device would have to be very comfortable to wear for long term use and got started doing some research on some fabric materials for sensing and textile connectors.
I also learnt that a lot of people were disappointed with existing "fitness" trackers and reading research into accuracy involved with measuring Heart Rate in wrist, I was not suprised that those device were inaccurate and limited in function.
I began sketching out a possible solution to solve the issues.
