The source code, schematics, PCB files and 3D cad files for the case will all be released under an open source license as soon as the are done.
Entry Video:
System overview:
The two main components for the watch are the ATtiny2313 microcontroller and the time syncing app on a smart phone/PC. The watch will have the ability to sync it's time to the time of a smart phone/PC, enabling you to easily set the correct time on the watch. The one way communication between the phone/PC and the microcontroller will be done trough an optical system.
Time Syncing:
The optical communication is works by flashing the screen of the smart phone/PC sending 1 and 0 to the watch. The watch will pick up the signals with the help of a phototransistor and translating the flashes back to binary numbers and setting the time of the watch.
Tilt sensing:
To save power the Bubble display is turned off when it is not being used. The normal way a LED watch works is that you press a button to turn on the screen and show you the time but i feel that this is not a very practical since it is a two hand operation to just check the time. My solution to the problem is to have a tilt switch which when you tilt your wrist to check the time will automatically turn on the screen for you.
Touch sensing:
To be able to navigate trough the different functions of the watch I need a button of some sort. Since I didn't want a button sticking trough the case so I opted for a capacitive "button" instead. The capacitive sensing will be done by one of Atmels Qtouch ICs.
Below you can see an overview of the different parts of the project will communicate with each other.
"Tilt Touch Time"
Due to hackaday fonts I misread the "l" letter in project title. Other than that, lovely project.