
"(blink) (blink)" a.k.a "Hello, World!" of hardware

A project log for 3D-ToF scanner

Project uses OPT8241 3D-ToF sensor, CycloneV FPGA with HPS and Linux OS

ianislav-trendafilovIanislav Trendafilov 08/17/2016 at 08:250 Comments

Following the guide from , I have managed to load fpga rbf and blink leds using user-space program in chapter 11. Custom kernel driver in chapter 12 is also working.

It took a couple of days, as I had to fix hps_common_board_info.xml and soc_system.sopcinfo. New device-tree is compatible with kernel 4.6.5. I also fixed the annoying lag jitter by setting ethenet ex delays to values from kernel dts subsystem. You can find all files in Project files -> Included you may find the final soc_system.dts, that you may convert to dtb and use directly.

With new device-tree overlays, development process is very simplified. Loading soc_system.rbf and/or adding new devices to device-tree is quite simple:

 Example device-tree overlay. Load soc_system.rbf from /lib/firmware
/ {
	fragment@0 {
		target-path = "/sopc@0/base_fpga_region@0xff200000";
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		__overlay__ {
			#address-cells = <2>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			firmware-name = "soc_system.rbf";
mkdir -p /config && mount -t configfs configfs /config && mkdir /config/device-tree/overlays/foo
dtc -I dts -O dtb -o test.dtbo overlay.dts
cat test.dtbo > /config/device-tree/overlays/foo/dtbo
