
V 0.2 and version history

A project log for OHBO - One Hand Bottle Opener

OHBO is a 3D printed low cost tool, designed to allow people with only one hand avaliable, can open a water bottle.

pablopezaPablopeza 09/03/2016 at 21:522 Comments


this update is about the 0.2 version of ohbo. I refined the shape of the ring part, and added space for a 5 cents of euro coin. This space is for use the coin as a bottle cap opener. This feature is in beta development. If you found any issue, please contact me via hackaday or my other social networks, feedback is very important.

Other thing that i've updated is the mango a and b. Now, can be assembled without the m3 screw. This makes the design easy to make, cheap and light.

I am in continuous development, in the next week, i hope can upload the physical explanation and other stuff.

This is enought for today. I hope you enjoy.



Pablopeza wrote 09/06/2016 at 10:44 point

Yes, i read it, it was amazing. Thanks for the idea! I was thinking in a mechanism like the diaphragm of a camera. I hope it works, but will need a lot of development. I will try to make it as simple as possible, but i like to develop the idea. Greetings :D!

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jbb wrote 09/06/2016 at 08:16 point

Hello Pablopeza

You made the Hackaday front page!

In the comments there, [] Eric Cherry pointed out that the screw and nut might be a little fiddly.

I was wondering if a more complex mechanism could get rid of it.  Imagine a flexible inner ring and large outer ring.  Cams link the two (at least 3 I guess).  When you twist the outer ring, the cams could squeeze the inner ring onto the bottle top (and hopefully adjust for different diameters.  Just a thought.


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