
LED Beer Pong Table

A pretty straightforward LED Beer Pong table

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A 6' x 4" beer pong table made from some cheap plywood, 2x4's, LEDs off of Amazon, and miscellaneous hardware.

This table was meant to be inexpensive yet functional. Yes, there could have been individually addressable LEDs, micro controllers, sturdier legs, better material, and lighter structure, but it does the job for a pretty decent price.

  • 5 × 8' 2x4's ~$3 at Home Depot
  • 1 × 4x8' plywood ~$15 at Home Depot
  • 4 × Door Hinges ~$4 each at Home Depot
  • 4 × 4" Carriage Bolts ~$1 each at Home Depot

  • 1
    Step 1

    Acquire Components

  • 2
    Step 2

    Measure and trace the shape of the table. This table is 6' long by 4' long at its widest. The ends are 2.5' wide, and we used whatever radius makes an arc from a corner of the end through a 4' wide middle point to another corner. To do this use a string and pencil. Any shape can be made

  • 3
    Step 3

    Cut the table out using a jigsaw. Sand the edges and top with a palm sander and if you have nicer wood than this build, it may be necessary to hand sand some sections.

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