The ideea is to replace the optoma default fnas which are noisy with some quiet fans from Noctua or Noiseblocker
Optoma fans 70x70x25 mm with plastic spacers
Noiseblocker 80x80x25mm no spacers (59m3/H - 1,88mm H2O@2200RPM)
Noctua 80x80x25mm no spacers (50m3/H - 1,96mm H2O@2000RPM)
since the internal speed monitoring will require at least 1000 rpm or the projector will shut down i had to increase the fan voltage from +2V by adding a 680R resistence between the IC VSET line and the 12V (+) line.
This mod increases voltages :
Echo Mode 4v4 to 6v2 (1000RPM)
Bright 10.1 to 11.9v (2200 RPM)
Please note that the FAN controlers are NCT3941 and the datasheet can be found on the internet
A friend have the same project to replace he's optoma fans with a Noctua.
He bought a PWM version of the 80mm fan with the assurance of Noctua for compatibility with 3pin connector :
Now He's optoma shutting down because he can see the fan reduce his speed so the controller finish by return the security code I guess.
He tryed to disable the eco mode (in first step to test with 10v) but same results...
Did you know if PWM fan was a bad idea and not compatible with the optoma controller ?
Bests regards