
Building the Rovio 2.0

A project log for Invisible QR Code Navigation for Robots 2020

Cheap UV invisible QR codes for indoor navigation of robotics. Print labels from Inkjet Printer and read with a normal camera.

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 10/08/2018 at 04:460 Comments

The first thing you notice when tearing down the Rovio is how tight all the electronics fit in. Unlike most consumer based electronics there isn’t much room for third party additions. I made the executive decision to make a riser between the lower and top body. This should give me room for controllers, h bridges, sensors and a bigger battery as well. I traced out the body onto quarter inch thick MDF sheet , cut out six slices to the same size and stacked them. Each layer has wood glue in between to bond them into one. The entire sandwich is compressed together with 4 large spring clamps while these dry overnight.
