
The first data from PyPPM 2.1!

A project log for PyPPM: A Proton Precession Magnetometer for all!

A device for conducting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments at Earth's field

bradley-worleyBradley Worley 10/01/2014 at 15:113 Comments

I've been ironing out the wrinkles in the new PyPPM firmware, and I finally have the assembly-based acquisition and delay routines working.

One nice thing about assembly is how fast I can read data from the ADC now: 100 kS/s and PyPPM2 doesn't even break a sweat! Check it out:

And now the frequency domain shot...

This is with a 50 Ohm terminator on the input BNC connector. I couldn't be bothered to get the real frequency-domain units. Maybe another time. :)

Until next time!

~ Brad.


Michael Tayler wrote 07/15/2018 at 23:11 point

Very nice project.  Do you have a calibration for the noise floor in T/Hz^1/2

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Bradley Worley wrote 07/16/2018 at 09:31 point

Thanks Michael. Unfortunately no, I never got around to rigorously testing the PyPPM2, but eventually I want to pick it up again, probably after my postdoc. :)

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Bradley Worley wrote 10/01/2014 at 15:21 point
Sidebar: of course, 100 kS/s is complete overkill, but it's nice to know the hardware is capable of such high performance.

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