

Be able to make & upload MagSpoof with variable tracks, to use it without Arduino dependencies, and implement it on the same Raspberry GPIO.

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Be able to build and upload the MagSpoof's code to the Attiny85 on the Raspberry Pi's GPIO. With the functionality of enabling or disabling the MagSpoof implementing a pin from same Raspberry Pi. Making a new software and hardware integration using as base the original Samy Kamkar code but with avr-gcc compiler; As result, we will be able to generate a new versatile tool to test new technologies like tokenization processes where we will be able to update tracks in real time.

New Version:

The makefile and the modified MagSpoof library are in my github:

Specific details:

New video implementing this project against Samsung Pay tokenization flaw:

@Sabasacustico added the schematics for the project open hardware for all.

  • 4 × Resistor 1k
  • 1 × Resistor 10k
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 1 × Half Breadboard Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × MagSpoof

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  • 1
    Step 1

    The only necessary changes in the original MagSpoof design to work with this project:

    -Remove the button and replaced it with a 10k resistor.

    I will use Raspberry Pi pin numbers(board numbers), NOT GPIO numbers to describe this instructions.

    We will need four 1k resistors, connecting the Raspberry pins:

    -Raspberry pin 15 as reset button, to the Attiny’s PB5.
    -Raspberry pin 19(MOSI) to PB0.
    -Raspberry pin 21(MISO) to PB1.
    -Raspberry pin 23(SCK) to PB2.

    Then connecting the Raspberry Pi GND(pin 25) to Attiny’ GND and Raspberry DC power 3.3(pin 17) to Attiny’s VCC. Example:

    The pin 7 will help to control(on/off) the MagSpoof after a succeed installation of MagSpoofPI. So the end user will be able to enable/disable the MagSpoof without removing it from the Raspberry PI GPIO. So the pin 7 is connected to a 10K resistor. The another end of the resistor to GND.

    Completed configuration example:

    After this, you can find the instructions to install the MagSpoofPI library in the github repository.

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Caltempa wrote 06/24/2017 at 23:52 point

need a magspoof built how much

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