09/23/2016 at 04:22 • 0 commentsAfter the connector was (carefully) ripped off:
Stock Connector
09/23/2016 at 04:21 • 0 commentsConnector side of the interface board:
09/23/2016 at 04:20 • 0 commentsThe connector is tiny and somewhat unusual so rather than hacking together an adapter board (I was tempted…) I ripped it off entirely and soldered wires directly to the board.
09/23/2016 at 04:18 • 0 commentsThis thing requires both a 15V DC supply for the physics package and 5V DC for the logic and signal conditioning. Rather than trying to get a second power supply attached I just wedged a tiny 5V (500 mA) switching regulator next to the linear regulators for the physics package.
The Beginning
09/23/2016 at 04:17 • 0 commentsI snagged this used Rubidium frequency standard on ebay for about $60: